Imlay City High School Thespian Festival Expenses

December 8th & 9th our ninth through twelfth grade students have the opportunity to attend the Michigan Thespian Festival in Lansing. At this festival students will spend 48 hours immersed in learning about every facet of theatrical careers and will gain new skills through hours of training through the workshop model. Additionally, students will spend the months of September, October and November preparing to compete in Individual Events or “Thespys” where they will receive feedback from adjudicators and will ultimately receive a rating. Perhaps the most important outcomes from this incredible weekend is for the seniors who will be competing for college and post-secondary program scholarships. In December of 2022 we took eight seniors (18 students in total) who collectively received 2 million dollars in scholarship offers. Some of these students hadn't even considered college to be an option for them prior to receiving these offers and now every single one of the eight students who attended is currently attending college and actively pursuing their goals. 

This festival experience is so important, we do not want to exclude any of the students. So, we are trying to raise the funds to pay for each student's registration fees, hotel expense Thespy competition fees and college scholarship competition application fees. 

Any money you donate will go directly toward the Thespian Festival expenses for our students. No student attends festival without putting in many hours of rehearsal and preparation time and they walk away having had a transformative, experience. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting these kids. Any donation is appreciated no matter how great or how small. 


Don and Rebekah Brewer

Imlay City High School Thespian Troupe #10962 Co-Directors

Days Left: 0
Goal: $3000
This Fundraiser has ended!
Donor Wall
E. W. Smith Insurance Agency
$100 donation
Kristina Kirsch
$100 donation
Fleet Mobile Maintenance
$75 donation
Kennith Goward
$50 donation
Mary Snow
$25 donation
Ashley Thomas
$5 donation